Experience the Capoeira Martial Art... From the Players Themselves!
What's the capoeira martial art experience like?
There are thousands of blogs with people sharing their own personal experiences with capoeira. However a few of them stand out as great resources for information, thoughtful discussion and humor within capoeira. Here are some of the best capoeira blogs around!
This beautiful blog focuses on the art of capoeira through the eyes of Joaninha, a female capoeirista dedicated to discussing all aspects of the art. Her blog is about capoeira, women, women in capoeira and includes many amazing posts ranging from surviving batizados to training when you're unable to. There is also a large following of loyal readers which make the comments of her blog almost as good as her posts.
The Capoeira Blog
This clean, straight forward and hugely popular blog is a creation of Mike Landry, Faisca within capoeira. Created for the purpose of promoting this Brazilian martial art, The Capoeira Blog has posts designed both to be useful for beginners and experienced capoeiristas alike. The content in this blog is solid and clearly shows his experience in capoeira.
I remember laughing my butt off the first time I read a post on this blog. Superbuff is authored by Tim (Soldado) and Nina (Coral), two capoeiristas with a knack for finding humor in their lives and its relation to capoeira. Check this blog out regularly for new posts and a good laugh!
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